5 Things.

June 25, 2015

creativestay 5 things boats san francisco writing

1. Sitting with my roommate on the roof, sharing stories we had never gotten around to, the sun slipping behind the great mountain before us. The clouds pink smears on the darkening blue.

2. Realizing that: Missing someone a stupid amount is okay when they make you so happy. Time difference is okay when you make the time to talk. Loving someone that much is okay when you know they feel the same way.

3. Exchanging looks with my sister at a family dinner, disappearing inside and returning carrying a cake and a happy birthday tune. Placing the cake down with a quick “Just kidding, Happy Father’s Day!” Laughter filling the air because our dad is silly and so loved and it was dusk and we were sitting under the big old tree that has grown alongside us all.

4. Spending hours with my dearest friend, our phones cradled by our respective ears, as we went through Sunday evening together. Realizing we’ve done that for six, seven, eight years now.

5. Taking the time every morning to make myself a good breakfast and lunch. Spending any time I can spare making plans and setting goals. Getting excited by all that the future can hold.



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