5 Things.

July 31, 2015

creativestay berkeley photography

1.  Spending the perfect Saturday in my mother’s lush green yard, my dad manning the grill, my man laughing with my little sister. Breathing in the heavy summer air, birds around us singing.

2. Running into the bookstore four minutes before closing, apologizing, saying I desperately need the next Murakami. The man in glasses saying he isn’t one to refuse someone in need of a book. Walking out happy, clutching a new story to my chest.

3. Spending the past few weeks trying to make something special for someone I admire. Finally dropping it in the mail. Crossing my fingers that it makes her day.

4. Going to the market behind my office and buying a gelato popsicle every afternoon. Never letting my crazy schedule get in the way.

5. Packing up to go off the grid for the weekend. Preparing to bask in the sun, the scent of the surrounding vineyards, and my favorite company.

This week hasn’t been the easiest, but the good moments are always there. I love taking the time to catch them. I hope y’all have a sunny, relaxed weekend!




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1 Comment

  • Reply Azadeh Olia August 14, 2015 at 1:28 pm

    You have the gift of the written word. You should continue writing.

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