#The100DayProject Challenge

April 30, 2015


I love being inspired, planning projects, and jumping into something new. I’m not, however, too good at following things through. That’s why #The100DayProject really caught my eye. This 100 day challenge is meant to inspire folks with the process of making; with the action of doing something for 100 consecutive days. Did I mention I love a good challenge?

They first ask you to pick one thing. Something you’re interested in, passionate about, trying to do more of. I thought about this for a few minutes, with my mind drifting over design, crafting, photography… before knowing what I was truly in need of. For me, it’s all about my writing. It always has been, and I know, despite all the things that are bound to change over the years, will continue to be. And you know what? I don’t write nearly as much as I should. I try, in little ways. This blog is one of those attempts, just to get words down on a regular basis.

For #The100DayProject, I’m going to pick up one of those aforementioned projects. I found it so fascinating, conceptually and through execution–and you know what? The context of my current job (social strategy) makes it even more so. Every day, I will write one single piece of the project (it’s a fragmented story) and then at the end of this challenge, I’m going to turn it into something real.

I can’t wait, you guys. I’ll tell you more about my personal project soon (It’s a good one, and will come out in phases here).



PS- I know the challenge started a few weeks ago, but I’m not too concerned. If not now, when?

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