5 Things.

August 4, 2013

Five things I want to remember from this week:

1. Climbing up a sandy cliff on the San Francisco coast, going going going even as the ground gave way beneath me after every step, and making it to the top. Pulling myself up with my own two hands, even with five friends willing to help. We stood up there until the sky turned to dark. I’ll remember that forever.

2. Conducting my life the way Jack would have wanted, only better. Because I’m doing it the way I want to.

3. Staying up all night with some great people, eating about six pounds of berries and reading and sketching and listening to music and each other.

4. Getting my creative nonfiction friends together for the first time in months. Meeting people who you really want to read and write with is special, and important.

5. Driving home Tuesday night because I wanted to. Hugging my mom. My dad. My sister. Waking up happy.

(6. Being where I am today. Really, it’s astounding–I’m astounded. I have a lot to think about these next few days, and it has a lot do with this.)

The last one doesn’t count, because it’s more of a bookmark. Something I’ve got to remember. In the meantime, I hope you’re exactly where YOU want to be.

Much love,


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