Take me to: Joshua Tree

    I’ve been dreaming about the desert for months now, and finally booked a trip to palm springs just last week. The hot sun, the baking ground, the trees and mountains and valleys that make up…

    April 9, 2015
  • 5 THINGS

    5 Things.

    1. Walking into the office one day, and finding a thank you note sitting on my desk, unsigned. 2. Taking the time to go to the top of a giant clock tower with my…

    April 8, 2015

    Homemade Card: Giving Me Butterflies

      Hello! So what you’ve just seen is the front and inside of a homemade card I sent out to an old friend. I drew with a Faber-Castell Artist Pen, all in black, and…

    August 29, 2013
  • 5 THINGS

    5 Things.

    Oh wow, life is going by so fast that I forgot to write down what currently I love about it. Here it goes: 1. “Random acts of kindness are my language of love.” My…

    August 27, 2013

    Creative Writing Prompt: Roommates

    Today my roommates and I are all moving back in together, which is all kinds of exciting. But it got me thinking. About roommates, and how people mix. Some people are like a perfect…

    August 27, 2013
  • CRAFT Uncategorized

    Gifting that’s Near and Dear

    So I was going to post about writing, and I still might later tonight, but I just finished up my mother’s birthday gift (August 16th, I know, cutting it close) and wanted to share…

    August 15, 2013
  • 5 THINGS

    5 Things.

    Well, it’s about that time. These past seven days feel more like twenty one, but the point of “five things” is to recollect and reflect. 1. Watching my dad barbecue his famous kabob, and telling…

    August 11, 2013

    Thoughtful DIY: Crafting a Bookmark

    I read. All the time. And when using a million different colored post-its gets old, making your own placeholder is all kinds of fun. This “Thank you for co-existing with me” bookmark was inspired…

    August 7, 2013