• creativestay bay area photography mount tamalpais marin nature mount tamalpais

    Dreaming on Mount Tamalpais

    Recently, I discovered one of the most photogenic landscapes in the Bay Area: Mount Tamalpais. My friend Tiffany and I decided to drive to its West Peak one sunny Friday afternoon, and it was stunning. The…

    July 8, 2015
  • elle luna choose must creativestay find your purpose

    Find your Purpose.

      To find your purpose, balance, and prioritize – it’s all as hard as it sounds. I know it’s essentially the journey of our lifetimes, but I personally love art and writing that shares a…

    June 29, 2015
  • creativestay 5 things boats san francisco writing
    5 THINGS

    5 Things.

    1. Sitting with my roommate on the roof, sharing stories we had never gotten around to, the sun slipping behind the great mountain before us. The clouds pink smears on the darkening blue. 2.…

    June 25, 2015
  • jennet liaw illustration typography creativestay

    Inspired Illustration: Jennet Liaw

       Oftentimes, my Inspired Illustration series veers towards the whimsical, dreamy aesthetic – things that take you away from the everyday. But when I come across an artist whose hand and voice are as…

    June 24, 2015
  • oakland warriors creativestay
    5 THINGS

    5 Things.

    1. Running away on a Wednesday night to the beautiful, grand Claremont hotel. We sat at the bar, grabbed a drink, and spoke as if we had only just met. Dressed to the nines, sun…

    June 21, 2015
  • fathers day gift idea artifact uprising creativestay

    Father’s Day Gift Ideas

    I don’t know about you, but I usually feel stumped when it comes to thinking up father’s day gift ideas. My dad isn’t the easiest guy to shop for, and when you factor in…

    June 19, 2015
  • palm springs, salton sea, salvation mountain creative stay, gratitude
    5 THINGS

    5 Things.

    1. Taking the weekend to fly into the desert and explore every inch of it. Seeing works of art, a road full of mirages, and my man by my side. 2. Getting disastrously ill together.…

    June 11, 2015
  • JAPAN kyoto writing short stories murakami

    Writing Short Stories

    “One more nice thing about short stories is that you can create a story out of the smallest details -an idea that springs up in your mind, a word, an image, whatever. In most…

    June 4, 2015
  • san francisco berkeley vsco soma creativestay
    5 THINGS

    5 Things.

    1. Celebrating the 29th year of a beautiful new mom, whose baby gets cuter by the minute. The day was full of wonderful people, and the sun decided to make an appearance. 2. Taking some…

    May 29, 2015
  • creative block motivation

    5 Ways to Break Through a Creative Block

      Sometimes, it’s really hard to be creative. Like, really hard. And it feels like nothing will get you thinking and moving, or get you writing-drawing-painting, no matter how much you want it. Sometimes,…

    May 28, 2015