Design in Unexpected Places

    I am constantly scouring the web for new, interesting, intriguing things. Often for work, but I’ve always been incredibly motivated by people and projects that come at the world from a different perspective, changing the…

    May 22, 2015
  • flowers writing thoughts gratitude
    5 THINGS

    5 Things.

    This week, I’ve been basking in the glory that is friends + family. 1. After flying to LA on a whim, deciding to go straight to the beach and take it all in. Running across…

    May 21, 2015
  • los angeles coffee intelligentsia

    Weekend in the City: Los Angeles

    Sometimes, life gets crazy and a little dull at the same time. I have never found that to be inspiring or conducive to happiness, so I decided to buy a last-minute ticket to visit…

    May 18, 2015
  • writing gratitude berkeley
    5 THINGS

    5 Things.

    1. The quiet, the stretch, the strength that yoga provides me. The fact that I’m pushing myself to become healthier and stronger. 2. Watching the sunset with my roommate on our roof. Laughing, fumbling…

    May 14, 2015
  • pegboard, creative workspace organized

    Building a Creative Workspace

      I’ve lived in my Berkeley apartment for two years now, and it’s gone through many phases. When I first moved into the two bedroom space, it was with two roommates. Needless to say,…

    May 11, 2015
  • wes anderson, bar luce

    Take me to: Wes Anderson’s Bar Luce

    To those who know me, Wes Anderson is the end all, be all. His attention to detail, creativity, and sheer unfiltered imagination contain the elements I admire most in art and its many forms.…

    May 8, 2015
  • san francisco writing art
    5 THINGS

    5 Things.

     1. Seeing one of the happiest, head over heels couples I know get married in the middle of the city. Hearing strains of everlasting light as she walked down the aisle, and getting misty-eyed…

    May 7, 2015

    Inspired illustration: Kelsey Oseid

    It’s interesting, being someone who so identifies with the written word (in consumption and creation) but draws so much inspiration from illustrated work. Recently, I’ve decided to embrace it. I mean, why not? The fact that…

    May 5, 2015

    Weekend in the City.

    Because I live out in the east bay (and work in the city), I rarely find myself spending my precious days off in San Francisco. This weekend, things went a little differently–my friend Allison was getting…

    May 4, 2015

    Inspired illustration: Dallas Clayton

      Something I’ve learned in my more recent years of writing (and really, in life) is that the perspective of a child offers a level of honesty and clarity that you don’t get from…

    May 2, 2015